Single Remote Session
Intuitive Guidance & Healing Session
1 Hour, Private
Get personalized healing, insights and messages from the spirit world with a one-hour remote session with Christina Joy. She will tune into your energy from a distance and open an intuitive channel of communication and high frequency energy. Christina relays healing messages and guidance from loved ones. She also answers your most pressing questions on relationships, life purpose, decisions, and more by accessing higher wisdom.
After connecting with your energy field remotely, Christina will provide a chakra balancing to align your spiritual energy centers. This rejuvenating energy healing helps restore harmony emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
You can submit questions ahead of time or chat with Christina live during the session. Expect comfort, closure, and spiritual awakening as she bridges the gap between this world and the next in this profound remote experience.

6-Session Package
Spiritual Development Journey
6 One-Hour Sessions
Go on a powerful spiritual journey with six remote intuitive medium sessions with Christina Joy.
This package allows you to work closely with Christina over time to gain deeper insights through her channeling abilities. Each 60-minute session may include communication with loved ones who have passed on, spirit guides, and your higher self.
Christina will also provide energy balancing and chakra healing customized to your needs at the time. Meeting consistently over a 6 week period allows you to gain clarity on pressing issues, make important decisions from an aligned place, and continually raise your vibration through spiritual connection and energy healing.
There are payment plans available through 3rd-Party payment system, AfterPay, at checkout. Read terms carefully.
Important Note
Make your payment first. A link to Christina's Scheduling Calendar will be provided as soon as payment is received. The calendar below is for informational purposes only. Use it to see available times, but do not book your appointment before payment. Make sure to choose the correct time zone in your location. The scheduling tool calculates time differences for you. So the time shown will be correct for you.